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How We Rate Kids TV Shows and Movies

Between broadcast TV and streaming services, there is an overwhelming amount of options at our kids' fingertips these days. My daughter, Everly, can't even comprehend a time when I had to look at a TV Guide to find out when my favorite shows would be on. With all of the shows and movies that can be accessed with a click of a button, it is important for me to ensure that when she gets screen time, she is spending it watching content that is enriching. I especially love when a show or movie exposes her to something new that sparks her curiosity and inspires us to learn more or try something new. At Curious Couch Potatoes, this is the type of content we are focused on finding and sharing with you.

So, how do we determine what makes the cut? We developed a checklist of five factors we value in the shows and movies our children are watching. A show or movie must check at least 4 of these boxes for us to recommend it to you.

Up first, is STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math). This is the quickest, most direct way for us to determine if the content is educational from an academic perspective.

Second, is inclusivity. We love to see when programming features positive representation around race, religion, gender, family, and disabilities.

Third, is social skills. I used to predominately focus on selecting shows for my daughter that were strong in STEAM. Still sometimes, I begrudgingly let her watch Wishenpoof, a show about little girl named Bianca who has magical powers. Then in March, when Everly's baby brother was born, I saw the show in a different light. Bianca was a really great big sister to her little brother and watching the show actually encouraged some really sweet moments between Everly and her brother.

Fourth, is the entertainment factor. This is one is simple. Did it hold my child's attention for more than 15 minutes, so I could actually get something done?

The fifth and final item is the tolerability test. Have you ever overheard a show/movie your kid was watching and there was a character or song that was so annoying that it made you want to crawl in a hole and die? We have and we don't want to put you through that. Sadly, sometimes these insufferable characters are incredibly appealing to our little ones. So we promise that if something less than tolerable makes it through, there will be a warning. Such as a strong suggestion to play that show when you need to take a shower or vacuum in the other room.

Our recommendations will always come from the following channels/streaming services:

  • Netflix

  • Disney+

  • Amazon Prime

  • Hulu

  • PBS Kids App and Website

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©2021 by Curious Couch Potatoes

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