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  • Patrice

How Curious Couch Potatoes Came to Be

What feels like a lifetime ago, Andrea and I were young women with endless amounts of time and energy running around our college campus together. Our priorities used to be what time to meet at Taco Tuesday, what outfits to wear, and whose place we were going to crash at after a night of making memories. Fast forward to today, we have lived on opposite ends of the country longer than when we were galavanting together in our early 20’s. Our current top priorities are our families and trying to figure out how to slow down time and get things done. We wish we could be super moms and do everything at once, all while stimulating our little ones with days filled with educational activities. In reality, that just is not possible for us. We know we are not alone in feeling this way. One day, we were venting to one another about how we would never receive the award for "best mom" and felt guilty about placing our kids in front of the “nanny," aka television to get our own work done. As we were talking we realized...should we really feel guilty about that? We discussed all the amazing creative things our kids asked us about after watching different shows and movies. For example, both Everly & Logan were introduced to new foods neither of us had ever cooked in our kitchen when they watched The Princess and the Frog. Everly and Andrea made beignets while Logan and I made gumbo. We had not planned these activities with one another, they just came naturally from our kids' curiosity. We decided we can't be the only parents who see their children learning and wanting to experience new activities after watching shows and movies. That is when Curious Couch Potatoes was born!

We love how our kids become curious, coming to us with new ideas and questions they think up after watching their favorite movies. But we also love that we get 1-2 hours to get our own work done without interruption. Most importantly, we love leaving the guilt behind when we explore our little ones' curiosity together. So we decided to share our process with other parents who need a break during the day without any guilt!

This is how Curious Couch Potatoes works:

  1. Select an age-appropriate show/movie from our blog

  2. Collect the materials needed for the activity, which is shared on the blog along with a step-by-step guide.

  3. Let your child watch your selected screen time entertainment, while you get your work done. Yippie!

  4. Come together after the show/movie to discuss what they watched and spend some quality time working on the activity together.

  5. Feel guilt-free for letting your kid have screen time because you are now making memories together!

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