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  • Patrice Veyna

Emily's Wonder Lab on Netflix

What to watch: Emily's Wonder Lab episode 2 Walking on Oobleck

Where to find it: Netflix

Best for ages: 3 and up

Run time: 14 min

Why We Recommend Emily's Wonder Lab

Emily's wonder lab

Did anyone else fall in love with Emily's Wonder Lab this past summer? This great find is on Netflix. They provide ideas even at the end of the show on how to do your own at-home experiments. You will love this show because it shows kids how much fun science is, as well as how you use science to ask questions and make observations. Your kid will love it because of the explosions, colors and the excitement Emily and the kids express through the show!

Oobleck Activity

I had Logan and his friends watch Emily's Wonder Lab while I got some work done. I actually had them watch the first two episodes and the activity coordinates with episode 2.

Oobleck is a fun "goo" to make because it makes kids (and adults) wonder is this a liquid or a solid?

oobleck recipe

Estimated activity time: 20 minutes

Materials needed:

  • Corn starch

  • Water

  • Bowl

  • Spoon (optional)

  • Food coloring (optional)

Oobleck Science Experiment
Download PDF • 41KB

Step 1: Measure out 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water. I let the kids add food coloring in the water.

Step 2: Talk to your child about how you are going to mix the two together. If you have an older child you can work on the attached worksheet together to write down your questions, guesses, and observations. ------->

Questions & Discussion

  • What does the corn starch feel/look like?

  • How about the water?

  • What do you think they will feel/look like mixed together?

Step 2: Let kids pour the ingredients into the bowl.

diy oobleck

Step 3: I let the kids stir the two together with their hands but they can also stir with a spoon. The kids enjoyed doing this with their hands and feeling what the mixture started to feel like. (Note: It should clump in your hand and then melt to a liquid when you open your hand. If the mixture is too watery and not clumping in your hand add more cornstarch, if it is too clumpy and not melting into a liquid then add more water).

Questions & Discussion

  • What does the mixture feel/look like now?

  • Was your guess correct of what the mixture would feel/look like?

  • Is it a solid or liquid? Is it both?

science activity for kids

Step 4: Let kids play and enjoy the Oobleck! I brought in some playdough toys and utensils.

kids science activity

Step 5: Share the fun you are having with us on Social Media! Be sure to tag us @curiouscouchpotatoes when you try any of our activities.


Jeanette's Educational Insights:

  • Children's senses are far more receptive than adults. They are constantly learning through all five senses. This activity encourages your child to "feel" the textures and then "feel" the changes as the substances are being mixed together. Watch their faces as they discover the textures and the transformation. If your child is daring enough, try having them feel with a blindfold on, so they get the full sensation of what they are touching.

  • As they describe what they are feeling, help them expand their vocabulary by using a variety of descriptive words. Help them practice the words by recalling other things that could be described the same way.

  • Another activity that builds thought processes is to make a Same and Different chart. As they feel the different textures, ask them what feels the same and what feels different. This helps them discern different attributes that help build pre-math skills.


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