
3 min

Ridley Jones and Compass Activity

What to watch: Ridley Jones

Where to find it: Netflix

Run time: 28 min episodes divided into 2 stories

Best for ages: 3-6

Why We Recommend Ridley Jones

I like to imagine that one day a brainstorming session occurred at Netflix that went something like this...

"Ok team, we are here to come up with some new ideas for children's content."

"What if we did a children's version of Indiana Jones?"

"Or, Night at the Museum the series."

"How about both...but with a girl!"

And thus...Ridley Jones came to be.

In a treehouse located in the middle of the Natural History Museum lives a little girl named Ridley Jones. Eager to follow in her mother's and grandmother's footsteps as caretakers of the museum she stumbles upon a family secret: at night, with the help of a magic compass, the museum comes to life. Once she discovers this truth, she begins her training as a future caretaker of the museum, going on wild adventures, meeting new friends, solving problems, and learning valuable life lessons along the way.

I love this show because Ridley is a fantastic role model for my five-year-old daughter, Everly. She is brave, she is kind, and she is a great friend. Additionally, this show stands out to me as the first children's show that I have come across that features a nonbinary character as a series regular. And, one episode focuses on a mummy with two adoring dads. I am grateful for children's content that features this level of representation and hope that it's a sign of more to come. Well done, Netflix!

We ended up embarking on a few fun activities that were inspired by Ridley Jones. First, Everly had a sudden urgency to see a dinosaur skeleton. Fortunately, there is a Natural History Museum only thirty minutes away from us in the Charlotte area. (With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, please only visit a local museum if it is safe for you and your family to do so. We visited the museum on a slow, weekday morning and wore masks, only removing them briefly for this photo.)

Next, we explored the magic of compasses and the concept of direction with a few different activities that you can do with your little ones at home.

Compass Activity

First, I had to explain to Everly that the actual purpose of a compass was not to bring inanimate objects to life (what a letdown!). To demonstrate its function, I downloaded a free compass app on my iPhone, took Everly for a walk outside, and showed her how the compass turned when we turned to show us what direction we were walking in. When we got home, we expanded on this lesson further with our free printable worksheets.

Supplies for worksheets:

  • Compass printouts (find the link above)

  • Pencil and crayons

  • Scissors

  • Tape or glue stick

Compass Activity #1 - Cut and Paste (page 1)

Step 1: Have your child trace the letters in the circles on the left of the worksheet and remind them what each letter stands for.

Step 2: Help your child cut out the circles, identify where each letter on the compass goes, and tape or paste them in place.

Step 3 (optional): To make their compass magical, allow your child to decorate their compass with glitter, gems, stickers, etc.

Compass Activity #2 - Identifying Direction on a Map (page 2)

Step 1: Have your child fill in the circles on the compass rose in the lower left-hand corner of the worksheet.

Step 2: Help your child identify where they live and mark it with a star.

Step 3: Help your child identify where friends and family live and mark these locations with a heart. Discuss where your loved ones live in relation to you (North, East, South, or West).*

Bonus Activity

Grab your smartphone and some chalk and take the fun outside! Open up the compass app on your phone again and let your child show you what they have learned. Ask them if they can use the compass to determine which direction is north. Draw a compass rose on the sidewalk and have them write an "N" in the appropriate spot. Repeat these steps for East, South, and West. We determined that our house faces northwest.

Share the fun you are having with us on Social Media! Tag us @curiouscouchpotatoes when you try any of our activities.

Educational Insights:

  • Tracing is an excellent fine motor skill. This activity builds eye/hand coordination and helps develop hand muscles for pencil control.

  • For young children, cutting is an essential skill. Don't be afraid to hand your child scissors under supervision. Get child safety scissor. Encourage them to hold it the correct way (thumb on top, finger(s) on the bottom).